
Learning patience, again.

Today was one of those days where I just focused on not losing my mind or my temper. I could tell from the get go that the boys were being particularly cranky, so I knew it would take real focus to avoid a downward spiral. I didn't accomplish anything today. One load of laundry, and one pan of scrambled eggs. That's all. Oh, and I swept the kitchen but that only came about because Taylor broke a glass.

But in all honesty, I feel okay about today. I achieved my goal of a day without major incident. No horrible melt downs (from me or the boys), no stress headaches, no temper flare-ups. My boys did escape over to the neighbors yard today. Taylor was wearing not a thing, Jack in just undies, and Noah at least still had his jammie shirt on over his diaper. They were only outside for a minute, but still...humiliating.

Anyway. I feel like I'm learning a new kind of patience. I have to remind myself to be still and just let it be. Like when we go to the park and Jack walks slowly or we need to stop again and again to keep everyone happy. I have to just remind myself that we will get there and not worry about pace. Or on days like today when there is much to be done around the house. I have to teach myself to let it go for the sake of maintaining a peaceful attitude in the home. Focus instead on the immediate needs of the kids, on making today as happy as possible for them, on responding well each moment. Laughing instead of crying, breathing instead of exploding. This is a hard lesson, but I need it.

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