
I feel like monday posts are always random

The rooster is gone.  We posted him for free on KSL and an odd man came to get him.  It was a bit of a fiasco.  Kevin and I were out on a date while Kristen and Gavin tended the sleeping boys.  Mike came to get the rooster, but it ended up jumping the fence and running around the neighborhood.  Mike followed after it and scared the many teenage neighborhood kids who were out playing night games (and their parents).  We came home at around 10:30 to a large cardboard box on our front porch.  The rooster was sleeping soundly inside.  We were very confused by this.  I guess what happened was Mike told the neighborhood kids that if they could catch the rooster, they should put it in a box and leave it on our porch and then he left.  I don't know the whole story about how they caught it, but they did and Mike picked it up the next morning.  He also took our old microwave and broken dishwasher.  Yahoo!

We had a good Sunday.  My sisters all came up with their boyfriends (fiance in Mikelle's case) and we made lime chicken soft tacos.  Mmmm.  I could eat those every day I think.  Clark mentioned how expensive it must be to have everyone over for dinner every Sunday. It isn't, and it's a small price to pay for the love my boys get and the good company we get out of the deal.  As I was putting Jack to bed he asked "Are you and Kristen, and Clark, and Gavin, and Marlee, and Viktor, and Dad, and Mikelle going to eat anything else?"  No, I lied. (we were going to have ice cream.)  "Is Kristen not making pudding?" he asked.  Kristen often makes pudding on Sunday nights.  "No, she's not" I answered.  "Oh, Kristen makes the best pudding.  Why is her not making it?"  I  love the way he talks and I love that we have these happy traditions for my children to enjoy...so I'll keep making food as long as they keep coming.   
Nicole and I went yard sale-ing on Saturday morning.  Oh happy day! 

Today I am switching out winter clothes for summer.  It's quite the task, but it has me all wrapped up in happy thoughts for summer.  I'm paring down on the boys' clothes this year, if their clothes don't all fit easily and neatly into their drawers when everything is clean, then I'm clearing out until they do.  There is nothing worse than (okay, there are a lot of things worse, but it's not fun) to be all caught up on laundry and have to stuff the last few freshly cleaned and folded items into drawers.  It's very dissatisfying.

I have allergies, but not bad.  I just sneeze about 10 times a day 5 times in a row.  I like sneezing sometimes, I think it's kind of a fun sensation.  But it's getting old and the back of my throat is getting itchy.

Sometimes I wish I had a lightsaber.  I'm not really into Star Wars, but I just think it would be really handy sometimes. Trimming trees, shortening the legs on a metal table, melting the plastic part so I can put the plate from our old microwave into our "new" one that doesn't have the plate.  I think a little mini lightsaber is something I'd use (nonviolently) very often.  I think about it pretty often, probably once a month I think "man, this job would be so much easier if I had a lightsaber."  Dorky?

My mom just wrote this post about babies.  I love it.


  1. You're pretty much the coolest person I know. A mini lightsaber? That is fantastic!

    By the way, the cookies are made, frosted, frozen, and packaged in their cyllindrical containers. I'm hunting for the right box in which to send them...

  2. I'm jealous of Yard Sale-ing! Yard sales in this college town just aren't the best. There are so many people who have a yard sale every week with crappy, overpriced stuff. Why? Don't they know that most people who go to yard sales wouldn't pay more than 75 cents for an article of clothing? Good grief! Enjoy your yard sales! And your dreams of a light saber...that's pretty cool!

  3. That is so fun that your sisters come to your house every Sunday! I am sure they love your company and cooking. I bet your kids love having their aunts there.

  4. I wish I could have siblings to come over for dinner. But alas, I live too far away. Enjoy it, it's a special treat.

    I went yard sale-ing on Saturday too. I totally scored and it makes me feel like I'm living providently. I snickered out loud with your post today. The rooster story and the lightsaber parts were great.

  5. you crack me up girl!! =) It made me so happy to open your blog and see your smiling face that I haven't seen for 6 years!! Cheesey, I know, but seriously! It's good to see your life! Your boys are ADORABLE! Holy smack!


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