
Kevin Returns!

So, Kevin was out of town this weekend. I'd read your not supposed to post things like that on your blog until after the fact, just in case some creep-o is reading it and knows it's an opportune time to strike. He's back now, (and we have a gun, 5 guns, and a super sensitive alarm system, and 3 big dogs, so don't even try it, creep.) and all is well.

He went on a "brother's weekend" to Colorado and had a marvelous time shooting and playing football and going to a baseball game and watching football and eating out, all hosted by my wonderful in-laws Mike and Mary (thanks guys, He LOVED it!)...He has 4 brothers and he loved being able to hang out just like old times.

My sisters took turns staying with me, so I didn't have to be alone at night. I'm really a chicken about that. I let my mind run away with me and get so scared I can't sleep. Even with them there I only slept a little. My sisters were wonderful, and I'm so lucky to have them.

But the boys were coming out of being sick and were really cranky. I felt pretty rotten, like I got a little of what they had and it made me achy and worn out. Marlee and Mikelle both ended up catching something too. And there were many hours when it was just the boys and I.

As I was up to my elbows in dishes and putting Taylor in time out for the twentieth time, and Austin wasn't napping and Jack wet his pants and we ran out of milk...I couldn't help but picture Kevin having the time of his life in Colorado and feel the injustice of it all. I want to be a nice wife, but that requires that I maintain a level of sanity. I'm on the brink as it is much of the time, but take Kevin out of the picture for 4 days and I'm about ready to crack.

So, needless to say, I'm glad he had a great time because if it comes up again next year I'm don't know that I'll be ready to consider it. I hope that doesn't make me an awful wife.

He returned Sunday evening, Hooray! and we had homemade chicken noodle soup. I love this soup. We made the noodles, the boys and I. I bought this little noodle press at a yard sale a few years ago. Before that I'd just use a rolling pin and pizza cutter. This is more fun. Please try to look past the fact that Jack isn't wearing pants. I do dress him, I promise.
It was SO good. The perfect meal for a fall day when you're not feeling too well. It is a little involved, so maybe not perfect if it's you that is not feeling well and you who is having to make it.
Kristen and Mikelle, my gorgeous sisters who promptly cleaned my kitchen after eating. Come over any time!
And Mikelle, ever wonderful, drew this fall picture for me to hang up on my wall. I sortof made her do it, and made her promise to make me one for every season because I LOVE it. The picture is fuzzy and you can't fully appreciate it, but I'm looking at the original right now and let me tell you. It's my favorite.


  1. My kids LOVE Henry! I tried to get Mikelle to do a whole series of Henry and the... books (we have Henry and the Spider and the kids love it) - I still think it's a genius idea!! Tell her to sign us up for copies of anything she does! :)

    Your little family is adorable Nat!!

  2. That soup looks delicious! I know how you feel when Sean was away in Europe for five weeks I put everything I could imagine up against the door and I would jump at every noise. I was so happy for him to come home so I could sleep again.

    I am glad everyone is feeling better!!

  3. MMM...I remember your chicken noodle soup from the Royal Crest days. Would you post the recipe? I think it is hands down the BEST chicken noodle soup!

    Your boys are adorable!

  4. My husband just got back from a week and a half in Boston...(that is were he is from) and I was a tad bitter with him for having a break the baby was 3 weeks when he left...so no it doesn't make you a bad wife for not wanting to consider letting him go next year...I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!! It is funny how fast we tend to forget how rough it was though!


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