Marlee and Mikelle are so funny and I love when they come. I love that they live close and that they enjoy taking a break from being social to spend time with me and the boys. Part of me is excited for the day when my sisters have children of their own so we can relate on that level. But, selfishly I like that they have no children to love better than mine. I love that they have the freedom to be in our lives so often and will sorely miss them if (when) life takes them away from me.
Mikelle took the boys to the backyard and played in the leaves with them and Marlee held Austin while I made dinner. My camera was on a weird setting, and I didn't realize that until this morning, ah well.
Marlee and Mikelle rented "He's just not that into you." We have a clearplay DVD player so we downloaded the filter and watched the clean version. It was a cute movie and we laughed a lot. Awkward at times, but not too uncomfortably so. We don't like Drew Barrymore, but her role was minimal. I wouldn't watch it unedited though...there seemed to be a lot of language. They took the bus home this morning, and life is back to usual.
All morning Jack has been drawing pictures, asking me to label each one.
Just thought you should know that Jack's description of that picture made me laugh out loud...several times. I love that kids do those kinds of things, it makes them all the more lovable