
Pretty in Pink and Purple

Yet again, my camera went all pink on me...But here are the boys in their awesome purple ties! So darn handsome, too bad I was taking these in full sun light. Kevin was a good sport, but it seems like he was the only one.
This is as good as we got.

this is as bad as we got.
These are all the in-betweens.

Oh Tays...don't look so dejected, buddy.
It isn't that miserable.

When the sun gets in his eyes he says "my eyes are too sundy!" (I love it.)

Well, we'll have the ties for a good long time, so you can count on a good picture eventually.
Thanks again thematchingtieguy.com! You've made me very happy.


  1. Oh my gosh, you have such a cute family! I love the ties! And I hate when my eyes get too sundy. ;)

  2. Love it! My old camera used to go pink sometimes too! It's now the toy camera...I hate needing a new camera.

  3. Oh, those ties are too much!! Such handsome boys! Happy Easter to your family!

  4. Love these pictures even with the pink hue, or maybe because of the pink hue! :)
    I think these real pictures are the best ones. Very handsome little guys you have and they are all yours! Wow, what a feeling!

  5. Natalie, Your men look awesome! You are a lucky woman. And Kevin looks like a champion dad with all of them in his lap! Cute choice of ties!

  6. way way way too cute! Do you think you could win my girls some dresses on some type of blog giveway? That would be great.

  7. They are adorable! I could probably fix the pink for you in Photoshop, if you want to email your favorites over. It really would only take a few minutes. =)

  8. I'm definitely a fan of the purple. I like girlie colors on guy ties! Speaking of eyes getting too sundy, David sneezes EVERY morning in the car when the sun gets in his eyes. He claims he's allergic to the sun...now, that's cute, but that's also coming from a grown man, which in some ways makes it even cuter.

  9. Oh they look so handsome! I just love little boys in ties. My little guys have several sets of matching ties and they always look adorable in them, now if I could just convince them to love them!!

  10. I sneeze when the sun gets in my eyes too!! I've read it's genetic, and it must be true. We'll go around a corner while driving and suddenly the sun is in our eyes...I sneeze, then we hear 3 little Ah-choos from the back seats=) It cracks me up every time!

  11. i'm a sun sneezer too...i blame my dad. he's the worst! your boys are beyond adorable. and the candid photos are my fave! happy easter to you and your cute family.

    and p.s. thank you for the insanely sweet comment...pretty much made my day!! :)

  12. My goodness...your boys are so cute:) I have greatly enjoyed going back and reading some of your blog entries.

  13. Natalie and Jill,

    I now have more compassion for my sun sneezing husband! Sometimes I just think he's a dork, and other times I think it's cute, but now I know it's REAL!


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