
Shiny and New!

Guys, check out my blog makeover! Isn't it perfect? Seriously, I love it. I just told Jill to do what she does best and I'm thrilled (THRILLED!) with the results. I feel like I'll have to start writing more polished posts with a blog looking like this one. People will start taking me seriously.

I do need some advice. from you. Do you feel like I'm a user? I feel like I'm asking for your advice all of the time, and here I am, asking again...

I think I want a little blog description, or some sort of welcome directly below my shiny new header. Just a little one liner that puts you at ease, fills you in, makes you feel like you belong here in this place. This beautiful, beautiful place.

Before I had "a happy account of the ups and downs of life with 4 boys 4 and under" remember?

Well, I like that. I do. But I'm ready for a change, if even only a slight one.

Or maybe a drastic one. I just don't know.

Now, you've been here long enought to know what this blog is. It's basically me just talking about whatever, and it's not always about the boys. Do I say "Hi. I'm Natalie. I have four boys. This is the place where I write about whatever the heck I want."? Is that welcoming? I think I'm nicer than that.

I know you can't tell me EXACTLY what to say (but you can, will you?) because it should probably come from me, but tell me this: what could I say to make you feel at home on my little blog? How could I introduce myself in such a way as to make you feel at ease and welcome?

"Hi. relax. sit, stay a while." this just doesn't sound like me. "Hi! Oh, yeah...he's potty training right now, so sorry he's not wearing anything." or "Hey, yeah, we were just about to clean up in here." These are more typical of the welcoming comments you might get if you came to my door.

But neither of those seem appropriate.

Any suggestions?

If not, at least leave a comment telling Jill how amazing she is. Because, really...I'm in awe.


  1. Wow!! So cute. The boys in black and white look so timeless. I really can't think of anything better than your old header--but I know you. You'll come up with something that sums it up perfectly. You always do. Love you.

  2. I actually really like the potty training line. That sounds good to me. :)

  3. I love the grey, blue, red, and white! very crisp but yet very boy. Hmmm. How about something like, Welcome to my wacky/wild/wonderful world :) - Natalie. or something like that. I was trying to think of "w" words and couldn't come up with many, maybe whimsical or whirlwind or wholesome or wiggly.

  4. thanks for the kind words natalie...i'm super glad you're happy with how it turned out! :)

  5. It does look nice. All these beautiful, clean-style blogs make mine look cluttered.

    I don't know if I would do a tagline at the top, but I would definitely add an "about me" spot on the side. I always look immediately for those when I stumble on a new blog. If I can't read a short summary of who the blog is about, how old their kids are, etc., I'm much less likely to read very far on the blog. But maybe I'm just weird that way.

  6. I'm always drawn to blogs that have quotes as taglines. Some quotes may sum up the blogger's reason for writing or keeping a record: some give insight into their philosophy or outlook on life; others are just pretty; and some have to do with a certain theme that represents itself repeatedly on the blog. Do you have a favorite quote that really speaks to you or represents your life poignantly? Maybe that would make a good quote.
    Sorry, I'm not more help--I'm never good with clever one liners! But, I'm sure you'll come up with something that fits.

  7. Hmmm...

    "Sorry about the mess, but come in and enjoy my musings about life with four boys four and under."

  8. Wow I love it! I may have to contact Jill, myself! I've been really wanting a new blog design but have NO idea what to do. Sigh. Yours looks great.

  9. Elizabeth- do it! It was the most painless experience. I just handed it over to her, and she whipped it out in ONE day. I had no real idea about what I wanted, so I just let her have at it. If you have something in mind, I'm sure she could make it happen for you. And it's so fun to have it look so put together. (I love it a lot, can you tell?)

  10. Um...I noticed that you changed "shiney" to "shiny." Nice edits, grammarian...

  11. brynn. How could you let me make such a fool out of myself for so many hours today? When I noticed it I was mortified...nothing is more discrediting than spelling errors! ha ha! =)

  12. Jill IS amazing! I love your design.

  13. Caitlin, I love your idea, and I think I have just the quote. I also agree with you Christina, and my profile will be back soon.

  14. I LOVE the quote! That is just wonderful, Natalie. It really does add to a sense of "welcoming" to have that there. Sorry I read "shiney" but didn't alert you to your mortifying, discretiting, error! Worse than being an infrequent misspeller is a smartypants, heh heh.

  15. Love the new look!!!!...totally suits your blog! And love the quote - beautiful all around.

  16. I love the new setup! It fits your style just perfectly.


what do you think?