
sick sick sick

On Saturday morning I went yard-saling as usual. Marlee was up for the weekend so it was especially fun to go with her. We found all sorts of wonderful things, including a wonderful new rope hammock for only $5! Kevin was kind enough to put off the yard work long enough to help me tie it up. We have the PERFECT little corner in out yard for it between 2 unruly trees, and it is heaven on earth to lay out there with a blanket, all covered in my boys. Money can buy happiness, and for only $5! Who knew?

And then I got sick. Achy, freezing, nausiated, exhausted, just let me die, flu-y kind of sick. It was horrid, but Kevin, Marlee, and later Kristen and Weston all stepped in, helped with kids, cleaned the house, and let me rest for 2 days, and now I am all better. Jack sneaked into my room yesterday and quietly asked "are you feeling much better?" I was and he nestled into bed with me.

I can't believe he'll be 4 next week. He finally gave up binkies last week because he's a "big boy," but late at night, when he wants his bink he'll cry and sadly say "I don't want to grow big." Oh, jack, if only you could stay little, just for a while longer...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you've been sick! I hope you get better soon! And I'm totally jealous of your yard sale find...I have been trying to go regularly, but it seems like my friend and I who usually go together are out of town every other week. It's been a great season this year though!


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